family at home
Allah does not like the man who considers himself superior to his companions. – Prophet Mohammad (Zarqani, Vol 4 p. 306)
“How is it that anyone can do a job like this?” Khalid asks after we order soft-serve vanilla ice cream cones from a Bengali who hands our order out of the side of a converted Chevy van where the city of Riyadh meets the desert. It is late, almost midnight. “Saudis can not work these hours. They have families at home.”
The majority of Bengali workers I have questioned about their lives have an average of two children and an extended family they are supporting in their home country.
After nearly an hour of contemplating the lives of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia, Khalid proclaims,”The Prophet Mohammad said some people are born to serve others.”
It was very late at night. I think i was not able to express my thoughts properly. I am happy to open this discussion again at any time 🙂
September 11th, 2013 at 2:06 am