Greener Pastures
L’erba del vicino è sempre più verde. (The grass of the neighbor is always more green.) Italian proverb
The yellow brick road to America is an Alitalia flight. The choice of Hollywood movies on the seat in front of Liviana is endless. She watches American Sniper and then Godfather on the 9 hour Atlantic crossing from Milan to New York City.
For Liviana the United States is OZ. Her whole life she has dreamed of living in the place she saw in movies.
“I feel so free here,” Liviana says after a few days in the North East. She is wooed by the open space, the abundance.
In the few days she has been in the US, Liviana is introduced to several families who have been divorced. She is fascinated and excited by how easy it is for people to separate. “People are so free here.”